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Stacked Up: Worth the Fight Series Page 16


  “And when she gets too big for it, it turns into a little girl’s bed. Violet picked it out.”

  “Travis! Oh my God, what are you…are you crazy?”

  “Did you just say the Lord’s name in vain?” he said, a smile in his voice. Then in the background she heard some men talking, though she couldn’t make out the words. “Gotta go, darlin’. See you later.” And he hung up.

  Chapter 12

  Travis ran his hand through his hair as he hung up the phone, his eyes trying to avoid the big glass window at the front of the Academy. Since word had gotten out that he was living with Penelope Richards, the stepdaughter of the famous preacher Kip Owens, the paparazzi were everywhere. Many of them wanted to know where she’d been for the last year and why she had left. Plus, Travis had his own share of paparazzi and followers. So there were a lot of cameras outside the Academy.

  “What the hell is going on out there?” Travis asked Slade. “It can’t possibly all be because of me and Penny.”

  “Think again,” Slade replied.

  “Really?” He glanced over his shoulder. “That’s overkill, don’t you think? There must be fifteen reporters out there.”

  “The studio says the show’s doing great and you’re killing it. The news about Penny made last night’s show a bigger hit than usual. They were hoping it would all come out on camera.”

  “The episode that was on last night was shot weeks in advance—don’t they know that? Plus, I wouldn’t let them put that shit in the show.”

  “People don’t know that. They want to know how long you’ve been dating her and if you’re the reason she ran away from home.”

  “Why do people care? I don’t get it.”

  “Apparently her father’s big shit somewhere,” Slade said, unlocking the cage. “All I care about is that you get that belt next month, so you better get your head back in the game.”

  “It never left.”

  Slade threw a punch, and Travis deflected. “Good. Glad to hear it. Now keep those arms up!” he yelled.

  The producer of Fight Night stood quietly in the background, as she normally did, while the crew filmed. In the boxing ring Cain and Tony were training, and a few others were over with the weights. The camera crew didn’t bother Travis at all anymore, but the reporters outside were a thorn in his side, and he had to actively focus on what he was doing so that he wouldn’t get injured, something that had been second nature until recently.

  “Travis!” Slade shouted at him.

  “What?” he said breathlessly.

  “Swear to God, I will break the goddamn contract with HBO and put blinds on the windows. Get your head out of your ass!”

  “I’m focused.”

  “You are not!” Slade threw a surprise punch, and it hit Travis on the eye.

  “Motherfucker!” Travis spat out his mouth guard and brought his gloved hand to his eye. “You fuckin’ hit me!”

  “We’re fighting, not dancing! What the hell do you think Lemmon’s going to do?” Slade threw a kick that landed square on his thigh.

  “Fucker!” Travis growled.

  “Gonna keep hitting you, damn it. Focus.”

  Travis jumped up and down, loosening up his muscles, moving right and then left in an effort to avoid Slade’s continuous assaults.

  “You going to let Lemmon keep that belt, Texas?”

  “Fuck no!”

  “Grab your mouth guard and let’s get real!” Slade barked. Travis quickly took the guard from the floor, keeping one eye on Slade, popped it back in, and went back to fighting stance. He looked around briefly to see the rest of the guys all watching him.

  By the time he walked out of the gym, he had a black eye and a huge bruise on his thigh, and there was not a single muscle in his body that didn’t ache. He was even too tired to fend off all the reporters loitering around his truck throwing out question after question.

  When he parked in front of his house, he quickly closed the gate, making sure all the reporters stayed outside, and limped in. The house smelled delicious.

  “Hi, cowb—” Penny began. “Oh my! Travis, what happened?”

  “Nothing. Just training.”

  “Let me get you some ice. You want some food or something?”

  “Nah,” he said, kissing her forehead. “Going to take a bath.”

  He walked painfully into his room, stripped off his clothes, threw them all on the floor, and turned the bath as hot as it went, sitting on the edge until it filled. Carefully he got in and closed his eyes.

  “Travis? Can I come in?”

  He grunted a yes. It hurt to talk. Opening one eye, he saw her shyly walk inside, averting her gaze.

  “There ain’t nothing you haven’t already seen, momma.” He tried to smile but could only produce a grimace. “Belle asleep?”

  She kneeled by the tub. “Yes.” She handed him some pills. “Here’s some Advil.” He didn’t even reach for the pills, just opened his mouth. She put them in and then held a glass of water to his lips. She had a small ice pack that had Disney princesses on it, and she held it to his eye. At his skeptical expression, she explained, “It’s a boo-boo pack that I keep around for Belle. She cooperates more when princesses are involved.” He wanted to laugh, but his face hurt.

  “What can I do, Travis? You look like you’re in so much pain. I think you should be in cold water, not hot. Maybe I should call Chrissy.”

  “Part of the training. No worries.” It was nice of her to worry, and yeah, he was in pain, but it wasn’t something unfamiliar to him. “You sleepin’ in my bed tonight?”

  “Uh…yes,” she said, but didn’t seem certain.

  “Good. That’ll make me feel better.” His eyes closed again.

  “You want me to fix you a plate?”

  He shook his head.

  “Does it hurt to open your mouth? Your jaw looks swollen.”

  He nodded in response.

  She just sat quietly next to him on the tub, holding the ice pack on his eye until the ice had melted away. Then she left him so he could finish bathing.

  He had just gotten into bed and was drifting off to sleep, wondering where Penny had run off to, when she came in. “I think I got the measurements correct. I’ve seen you make them a few times.” She held out a straw to his mouth with his protein shake.

  His heart warmed. No one had ever taken care of him before. He’d always been alone, and frankly, he hadn’t known up until now how much it sucked to be alone. “Thank you for taking care of me, momma.”

  “Thank you for taking care of us, Travis,” she said as she carefully got into bed next to him and laid her head on his chest. And that was how they slept all night. Despite his bruised face and body, it was the best night’s sleep of his entire life.

  The next day he was determined to kick Slade’s ass, even though his body ached. He woke up early, left Penny a note, and was at the Academy by six. Today he would not take one hit. He walked into the Academy with a determination and purpose he’d been missing for the past few days. He ignored the few reporters and the crew from Fight Night and repurposed all his energy into avoiding a fist to the face. The guys mocked his black eye, but all the laughs stopped a few minutes into training when first Slade and then Tony quickly got winded trying to keep up with Travis. He was back. His lightning-fast reflexes were his secret weapon, and he was determined to be ready for Vegas.

  Sleeping with Penny last night had been great, even though he’d been in pain. So he was excited by the thought of going home to Penny uninjured tonight and showing her exactly what he’d had in mind when he invited her to sleep in his bed.

  Travis was not accustomed to keeping his phone on him when he was at the gym. Everyone who knew him could reach him at WtF if they needed him, and those who didn’t know that about him could wait until he was good and ready to answer the phone. But these days he felt as if he needed to have it around just in case. Penny had never called him; it had always been Tra
vis who called her. So when his phone vibrated and he saw it was her calling, he knew instinctively it was not going to be good news.

  “Travis,” she said, sounding breathless.

  “What’s going on?” He already had his keys in his hand and was heading toward his truck.

  “Hurry. Please.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “They’re here. Kip’s here with his lawyers and…” Her voice cracked. “Lawrence. He brought Lawrence.”

  “Stay put. Be there in five minutes.”


  By the time Travis pulled in, there was a swarm of cars outside his house. Add to that those that had followed him from the Academy, and it was a circus.

  Travis parked his truck and hopped out. “What are y’all doin’ at my house?” he yelled at the men clustered at the front of the house. “I ain’t buying whatever y’all are selling. So get the hell off my property or I’ll call the cops.” He took long strides toward a man who was standing by his front door wearing dark glasses, a light blue polo shirt, and khaki pants.

  “You must be Travis Calhoun,” the man said as he took off his glasses. Immediately Travis recognized him. In person, the older man had presence.

  Travis crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to answer.

  “I’m Kip Owens.” He extended his hand to Travis, but Travis kept his arms crossed.

  “Know who you are,” Travis said curtly, then looked around. “Y’all need to get the hell off my property.”

  “I’m looking for my daughter.”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Kip took a piece of paper out of his pocket, unfolded it, and handed it to Travis. It was the infamous picture of the two kissing. “Where is my daughter?”

  “As far as I’m concerned, I don’t gotta answer shit.” He pointed toward the street. “Get out before I call the cops.”

  “Do you have children, Mr. Calhoun?” Travis didn’t answer so the man continued. “You raise them the best you can. Then they grow up, get knocked up, and run away from home, and the next thing you know, they’re shacked up with a cage fighter, dressing like a whore in public, stripping for a living, and doing obscene things such as this.” He shook the paper, and his voice began to rise. “As you can imagine, I am very upset by this turn of events.”

  “Get. The. Fuck. Out.”

  “Did Xavier give you the check?”

  “I don’t need your money.”

  “Everyone can use money. Let me take my daughter and granddaughter home and let us leave you alone.”

  “I will tell you one more time: get the fuck out.”

  “She’s my daughter. You can’t keep her away from me.”

  “She’s not a minor anymore. She’s an adult, and you can’t make her do anything she doesn’t want to do.” He glared at Lawrence. “And neither of you have given a shit about them for over a year. You got no claim on them.”

  Kip looked around. To anyone else he might have looked the picture of a concerned father, but Travis saw the mask slip for just a second.

  “That’s not true. I’ve been searching for Penny everywhere,” he said, more to the cameras than to Travis.

  “Kip has been beside himself,” Lawrence loudly chimed in.

  Kip turned and whispered something to one of his security men, and the man began to herd all the reporters away. In a blink of an eye the area was miraculously cleared, and only Kip, Lawrence, and Travis remained.

  “Oh, so you’re afraid they’ll hear something you don’t like?” Travis spat out, feeling victorious.

  “You are not making true statements, Mr. Calhoun. I am just trying to make sure that my daughter’s name doesn’t get further dragged through the mud by your foul language,” Kip said. Travis rolled his eyes.

  “I’ve tried to do this the nice way, Mr. Calhoun. My television ratings have skyrocketed, but I am not in this for television ratings. I need my congregation to have faith in me, to believe in the message I am preaching. I cannot do that when my daughter is in every newspaper doing things like this.” He shook the paper again. “I need my daughter back. My sweet little Penny, whom everyone loved and looked up to.” He took a step closer to Travis and said in a lower voice, “I don’t want to do this, but I will use your record against her. Do you understand? What kind of mother allows her young child around a criminal? I will have her found unfit to be a mother. She’s disappeared for the last year and has been doing God knows what. As far as I’m concerned, she’s been doing drugs just like you and your mother did, and for all I know you’ve both been doing it in front of her daughter. She’s a stripper with minimal income. I have all the resources necessary to make this painful. And if she does happen to be dumb enough to take me on, I’ll make sure the studio sues her for breaching the morality clause on the contract she signed allowing us to be filmed for the show. She will never see her daughter again. Isn’t that right, Lawrence?” Kip addressed Lawrence, who had been standing back, saying nothing but looking nervous.

  “Yes. I want my daughter back,” Lawrence replied, as if on cue.

  “Do you understand, Mr. Calhoun? Do you really want to stick around and be dragged through the mud? She is not worth that kind of trouble.”

  Travis had never wanted to hit anyone as much he wanted to hit Kip. The only thing that stopped him was the cameras, which he figured were still taping from the other side of the gate.

  Travis took a step forward, so that he was practically nose to nose with Kip. “That’s absolutely wrong. She is worth it. If you weren’t a pretentious, hypocritical asshole, you’d know that I’m lucky to have them around. Now I’ll say this one last time: get the fuck off my property.”

  “Don’t be stupid. Take the money and leave her alone. The paparazzi are sniffing around—”

  “And you don’t want them knowing the truth.”

  “What truth, Mr. Calhoun? As far as I know, my daughter got knocked up and ran away from home to be with you—or a slew of men.”

  Travis saw red. “Fuck off.”

  “Nice,” Kip hissed, and rolled his eyes. “What kind of people is Penny interacting with?”

  “The kind of people who don’t take kindly to threats.”

  Travis took a step forward, forcing the two men to move out of his way. He unlocked the door, careful not to open it too much just in case Penny and Belle were inside. “Get the fuck off my property,” he repeated before slamming it closed in their faces.

  “You have a week, Calhoun!” Kip yelled into the door.

  Travis pressed his back against the door and took a deep breath before taking two long strides to Penny’s room. It was empty. “Penny?” he hollered. “Penelope? Belle?”

  He went into his room and heard Belle giggle from the other side of the bed. He looked over and saw Penny on the floor with Belle, trying to keep her quiet.

  She looked up at Travis. “Are they here? Did you let them inside? I heard what they said,” she whispered.

  “Twavis!” Belle reached for Travis, and he instinctively took her.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” he said to Belle, and she nodded. He then reached for Penny’s hand and helped her up. “No, momma. They’re not in here. They’re outside. We need to talk, though. And don’t leave the gate open again.”

  “They can’t take her, Travis. I can’t lose her.” Her eyes watered. “And I don’t want to leave Tarpon Springs. Don’t tell them I’m here. You think they know?” She was having some sort of panic attack, he could tell, because her eyes were darting all over and she was shaking uncontrollably. It had been a long week, poor thing.

  He stood with Belle on his hip, extended his arm, and pulled her to him. “Group hug.”

  “Twavis ug,” Sarabelle giggled.

  These two girls had grown to mean more to him than anyone else, and he felt a fierce need to protect them, a need so strong it overwhelmed him. But it was the moment to be strong for them and put aside his own feelings.

��Hey, Belle, you want to open all your new toys, since we couldn’t do it yesterday?” he asked, and the little girl began to wriggle happily in his arms. “I take that as a yes.

  “Come on, momma.” He winked at Penny. “Let’s forget about things for a bit. Once you’ve taken a few deep breaths and calmed down a bit, we can talk.” He looked at Belle, then back at Penny. “Alone. Okay?”

  He saw that her tears were falling fast, and she looked so fragile.

  “Why don’t you go take a bath? I saw you eyeing my monster bathtub.” He pushed her gently. “Go, momma. I got this.”

  She walked away hesitantly, looking completely defeated. He wasn’t sure how to comfort her while holding her daughter. He was scared that Belle would somehow understand and become traumatized by this whole fucked-up situation. She was an innocent bystander and didn’t deserve to have her childhood tainted because of it. So he hoped Penny could find comfort in a little time alone while he tried to distract Belle. Tonight, while Belle slept, he would do everything in his power to comfort Penny.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me, kid.” Picking up all the bags with one hand, he took them into the living room.

  It took Belle just five minutes to open all the toys and another four minutes to get bored of everything except a big ball that took Travis way too long to blow up. He looked out the window; Lawrence and Kip were gone, and the paparazzi that were still around were on the other side of the closed gate.

  “Okay, one sec. Let me just go check up on your momma, okay?” She didn’t pay him any mind, instead pushing the ball around the living room, which Penny had childproofed. Quickly he jogged to his room and knocked on the bathroom door. “You okay in there?” He opened the door a little and popped his head inside.

  She was under a small mountain of bubbles, her head back and her eyes closed. “Much better, thanks.”

  “Okay. No rush. I’ll be in the backyard with Belle.”

  “Thanks, Travis.”

  “You’re welcome, momma.”

  He jogged back to the living room and scooped Belle up in one arm, making an airplane noise as she dangled on his left side. “Twavis!” she said, laughing hard. With the other he picked up the giant inflatable ball.